Time Flies
I just realized today that it has been years since I updated my blog posts. How did that happen? Time is a funny thing. Today I am going to start on a new adventure in blogging. I’m going to try to do a little something daily. I just want to add a spot of sunshine into the world wherever I can. This blog page seems like the right format. 🌞 Today I wanted to share the snapshot of the impossibly blue sky that my daughter and I witnessed along with a little recount of our walk.
First off - to those of you who are essential workers, I tip my hat to you. Thank you for keeping us going.
For me, working as a studio artist, being stuck at home is nothing out of the ordinary. Yet somehow it can still feel a little suffocating at times. To help beat back the blues, my daughter and I have taken to going for a nice long walk every day (weather permitting). We live right in the heart of Canandaigua, so the typical scene is houses, sidewalks and pavement. A couple of weeks ago however, we stumbled upon an oasis that was just a stones throw from home. We were overjoyed. I grew up on the edge of town, and still long for those days of having an endless backyard that fades into fields and woods. I am a nature girl at heart. With our new find, we can sit and hear almost nothing but birds and the winds whistling through the trees. For a few moments we can forget everything around us and get lost in natures chorus. We walk there ever couple of days and soak in the atmosphere that nature has created. I'm in love with the biodiversity in that small patch of land. I'm sure I will be sharing many more vignettes of this place in the coming weeks and months. Especially as everything begins to spring to life and change throughout the seasons. It is a little slice of heaven, hidden among the city streets.
With that sentiment, I wish you all a sense of peace. May you all find your own little escape while we wait this thing out. Sending virtual (((hugs))) to you all.