Hi Everyone :)

OK First things first.  The change in the hours.  Starting Jan 2, my new store hours will be Tuesday - Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10am - 4pm, Sunday, Monday Closed.

I am implementing these changes because I am looking for a better work/life balance.  In this minor schedule shift I will gain the precious gift of time with my family.  My daughter is growing up too quickly as I'm sure any parent out there understands. Last year she was finally old enough to not only realize that I was not around as much as I should be, but she was also strong enough to voice how troubled her to see my work schedule always came before her needs. 

*mothers heartbreak* 

I could go on and on about that topic.  Maybe another day.  Anyway, after much deliberation and weighing how it might effect you the customer, I feel the hours I have chosen will have the least inconvenience to you, but will have a tremendous positive impact my home life.    

Now on to the more exciting things.  I have just about finished re-configuring my studio and am completely revitalized and ready to start making some great new designs. 

Some of the designs that I started making right before the holidays were very well received and I plan on exploring and expanding on those concepts.  The one line in particular I am going to expand is the ginkgo theme.  The natural beauty of the leaves and inspirational message I have attached to them were the most loved of my designs over the past few months. 

Keep an eye out.  I'm hoping to make some more posts about the design and creation process.  Speaking of which, be sure to follow me on Instagram to get day by day insight into my inspiration and a peak into studio life. 

Of course with the new year, I always get very excited about setting new goals and coming up with new ideas.  With that will also come a re-vamp of the website, featuring the new designs that will soon be in production.  Hopefully the winter wont be as severe as last year, but if it is you will have some great new options so shop from your warm and cozy home! 

Every year I get very excited for the fresh outlook for the New Year and all the positive things that could be.   Time to make dreams a reality.  Here's to a better more positive year, filled with peace, joy and most importantly for me….balance ;)  (Not that I follow these things, but can't you tell I'm a Libra…lol I'm so textbook. )   I will leave you with a list of my resolutions.

Wishing you the very best New Year!

Much Love



    1. Be the best Mom, Artist, and business owner I can be (*In that order*) (There is no business without the art!)
    2. Sketch something every day.
    3. Keep the studio organized.
    4. Stretch.
    5. Don't let stress hijack another day, not to mention a year. (Good Riddance 2015)
    6. Work with the beads I already own. (stop buying and hoarding pretty beads)
    7. Read.
    8. Sing.
    9. Smile.
    10. Take time for peace and inspiration.  It will benefit everyone and is not "slacking".
    11. Be more efficient.
    12. Don’t take work home.
    13. Visit with friends, stop neglecting them before they disappear.
    14. Handwrite a letter to a loved one for no particular reason, once a month.
    15. Stay positive.


    December 31, 2015 by Erica Bapst

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